It's a common scenario: a husband returns home from work stressed out and eager to kick back on the couch and watch television. A wife returns home from work stressed out and wants to talk about it with her husband. What happens? Neither is on the same page, anger and resentment set in, and the male and female conflict begin. Sharing his insight, Dr. Daniyel arms the male and female with information that will help them live harmoniously ever after.
Boys Lie Men Don't (BLMD)
In BLMD - Conversations and Thoughts on Relationships, Dr. Daniyel focuses on the ways that men and women misinterpret and mismanage the stress in their daily lives, and how these reactions ultimately affect their relationships. "It's not that he's not into you; he needs to fulfill a physical purpose," Dr. Daniyel explains. "And it's not that she wants to nick-pick you; she also has a physical motivation."
Whether in a relationship or single, BLMD book series goal is to help both men and women understand their new roles in a modern, work-oriented society, and allow them to discover a variety of new and practical ways to create a lifetime of love and harmony.

Our Money Our Power
The Search for Power and Economic Justice
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In Our Money Our Power - Building Common-Unity Through Economic Structure is written by Daniyel S. Willis, D.D., lead founder of Hope For Trust USA in Jacksonville, FL. Having experienced social and economic challenges in his own life, Dr. Daniyel is passionate about working to answer the young generations questions about the importance of community (common-unity), economic power and black progress with raw, uncut and honest answers in "Our Money Our Power."
We would love for you to consider inviting Dr. Daniyel for answer and question sessions or topics mention in the book. We'd love to speak to schedule a panel for discussion review or mention of "Our Money Our Power - Building Common-Unity Through Economic Structure" as close to Sept. 1st as possible. We can send a transcript of "Our Money Our Power" for your keeping and a second copy used for a giveaway if you like. If interested, please respond with your name, website link, and address where we can send the transcript.

Message To The Blacks
In America
- - For Immediate Booking Call Us Today - -
Inspired by the masterpiece Message to the Blackman by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad published in 1965, Dr. Daniyel Willis emphasize the necessary positions, objectives and goals relevant in this modern day and time. This book is an absolute must have for the serious reader, historian and focus-minded. Message To The Blacks In America is written by Daniyel S. Willis, D.D., lead founder of Hope For Trust USA in Jacksonville, FL. Having experienced social and economic challenges in his own life, Dr. Daniyel is passionate about providing insight into the condition of the world are relevant for the time we are living in.
We would love for you to consider inviting Dr. Daniyel for answer and question sessions or topics mention in the book. We'd love to speak to schedule a panel for discussion review or mention of "Message To The Blacks In America" as close to Feb. 1st as possible. We can send a transcript of "Message To The Blacks In America" for your keeping and a second copy used for a giveaway if you like. If interested, please respond with your name, website link, and address where we can send the transcript.